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Spreadsheet Proliferation

Spreadsheet Proliferation.

EnergySteward was developed to address the common needs which confront many oil and gas companies and their contract and deal management activities.

Our sales team will be glad to setup a demonstration, prepare a quote and answer any questions you might have about EnergySteward.   

Feel free to submit our demonstration request form or to contact us with any questions or requests.
An Addiction That Grows ?

Spreadsheets are very powerful.  Spreadsheet usage normally always begins with a relatively modest need to keep track of a list and do some simple to moderate calculations.  Over time, more and more items are added and copies of the spreadsheets (with formulas and macros) are used by co-workers (usually to manage their respective pipelines or production volumes).

Soon, requests begin to be made to tap into the spreadsheets in different ways.   Someone needs totals across all various spreadsheets, someone wants a daily flash rollup, etc.  There are spreadsheets linked to spreadsheets, which are linked to spreadsheets.  You might encounter the 'open in read only' messages as others need to view (or update) critical spreadsheets. 

While the spreadsheets serve a valuable function, they fall short when your company begins to grow.  They simply can't replace the power of a defined database application for managing all of the intricacies and relationships between all of the data.  The original creator(s) of the spreadsheets can easily be overwhelmed with the data needs, linking needs, multi-user needs, etc.  A reliance and proliferation of spreadsheets can cause:

  • Inconsistent deal calculation formulas
  • Inaccessibility to all employees
  • Enterprise level rollup difficulties (i.e... company profit/loss margin reporting?, etc.)
  • Inconsistent counterparty communications (confirmations, invoices, remittance statements, etc)
  • Difficulties in training new employees
  • Potential for divergence from underlying contract formulas, provisions and terms
  • Unknown risks involving spreadsheet backups, disaster recovery, etc.
  • Difficulties with scheduling/routing
  • etc.

EnergySteward was designed to manage detail level contract and deal data where spreadsheets compliment, not drive, the process.  EnergySteward offers:

  • Consistent contract/deal calculation rules and formulas
  • Multiuser database, accessible to all employees (with appropriate security)
  • Standard enterprise level rollup reporting
  • Consistent and standard counterparty communications
  • Easier employee training
  • Deals can be forced to conform to contract formulas and rules
  • All contract and deal information included in system and disaster backups (repository level)
  • Enables system wide scheduling and imbalance reporting
  • Spreadsheets still utilized for specific functions ("Time Saver" uploads, reporting, etc.)
  • etc.