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Time Savings

Time Savings

EnergySteward was developed to address the common needs which confront many oil and gas companies and their contract and deal management activities.

Our sales team will be glad to setup a demonstration, prepare a quote and answer any questions you might have about EnergySteward.   

Feel free to submit our demonstration request form or to contact us with any questions or requests.
EnergySteward offers significant opportunities for time savings.


Contract administrators can signficantly benefit by using EnergySteward to help them manage oil and gas contracts.  A few of these time saving areas include:
  • Contract research requests (queries,etc.)
  • Automated contract alert/trigger notifications
  • Online access available to other key individuals (eliminating many research requests)
  • Contract brief reporting
  • Change notice reporting
  • Auto synchronizations to underlying deals (pricing, meters/wells, routes, etc.)
  • etc.


Administering deals within EnergySteward provides significant opportunities for time savings.  Some of these time saving opportunities include:

  • Automated syncrhonization to underlying contracts
  • Automated imports of prices (vendor feeds and/or spreadsheets)
  • Multiple volume buckets (supply planning, nominations, confirmed, actuals, etc.)
  • Meter dashboard view (common dashboard for working with meters/wells on each deal)
  • Route dashboard view (common dashboard for working with gathering/transport deals)
  • Deals can span multiple months (no need to setup new ones each month)
  • Advanced calculation opions (Netback, Virtual WASP Pools, Index Baskets, etc.)
  • Automatic FERC 552 reporting
  • Automatic volume & route propagation (supply planning-to-noms, noms-to-actuals, etc.)
  • Easily produce confirmations, invoices and remittance statements
  • Single mouse click for electronic emailing and faxing of statements
  • Oil ticket spreadsheet uploads (includes API calculations for net barrels)
  • Automated transport volume postings on oil ticket uploads
  • etc.

Management Reporting/Analysis

From an enterprise perspective, EnergySteward can quickly generate various management level reports.  These reports can illustrate the current state of the company.  This information can be provided, at any time, without having to assemble and organize spreadsheets, etc.   All of the information is stored within EnergySteward.

  • Pipeline Balance Reports
  • Profit/Loss (Margin) Reports
  • Price Reports
  • Volume Trend Reports
  • etc.

Realtime access to underlying contracts and deals also available for management analysis, etc.